José de Piérola

Escribir es ser en el tiempo


Fabulations available now from Amazon

October 15, 2018—Fabulations is now available from Amazon. See link below.

“III Summit of Writing Programs of the Americas”

October 13, 2017—José de Piérola attended the “III Summit of Writing Programs of the Americas” held in Santa Cruz de la Sierra Bolivia. The event, organized by Universidad Privada de Santa Cruz de la Sierra, brought together eleven representatives from writing programs in the Americas. This event consolidated further the red of Writing Programs of the Americas.

Daniel Chacón, José de Piérola, Javier Zagarna, and Carlos Lutteral.

ABOUT José de Piérola

José de Piérola is the author of Fabulations (2018), La llave del Paraíso (2017), Máquina del tiempo (2015), Pishtaco Slayer (2011), Un beso del infierno (2010), Summa caligramática (2009), Sur y Norte (2008), El camino de regreso (2007), Shatranj: El juego de los reyes (2005). He has translated into Spanish L’Etranger by Albert Camus (2016) and The Art of Fiction by Walter Besant and Henry James (2007), and to English Quechua Magic-Religious Tales from Lucanamarca by José María Arguedas (2018). His novel Un beso del infierno won the Short Novel Prize awarded by the Reserve Bank of Peru, his short story “In the Belly of the Night” won the Max Aub International Short Story Award in Spain, and his short story “Lápices” won the Short Story Biennial awarded by Copé in Peru. His fiction has been anthologized in Peru, Mexico, Spain, France and USA. He earned a Ph.D. in Literature at the University of California, San Diego. His work revolves around issues of displacement, immigration and political violence, but he is also interested in the construction of the self and cultural misunderstanding. His current work in progress includes a novel set at the end of the eighteenth century in the Peruvian Andes, and Minding Fiction, a critical study about the representation of the mind in fiction.

Photo: Lourdes Cueva



The Writer in the Mirror

Gide, who used to keep a care­ful jour­nal of his lit­er­ary projects, writes in 1893 about one of his petty idio­syn­crasies as a writer. He has in­stalled a full-figure mir­ror… (Click here to read post.)

Nunca dos Szymborskas

Des­con­fío de los ho­me­na­jes, so­bre todo de aque­llos que se ha­cen a los muer­tos re­cien­tes, cuando el cuerpo no ha per­dido to­da­vía su ca­li­dez hu­mana. Pero hay ex­cep­cio­nes. (Click here to read post.)

The Circular History of Distraction-Free Writing

Back in the days, when computers did not have graphical user interfaces outside the high temple of Xerox Parc, if you needed to write anything other than raw data… (Click here to read post.)

CONTACT José de Piérola




Copyright © José de Piérola, 2018